Mikel Arteta sets to Confirmed as Arsenal Permanent Manager

Mikel Arteta is expected to confirmed as Arsenal permanent manager in the January transfer window.

According to the reports reaching thescoreng Mikel Arteta depart Manchester City, Pep Guardiola will look to bring in a new assistant coach, with both Xabi Alonso or Giovanni van Bronckhorst being targeted.

Arsenal has make a move for Manchester City assistant coach, Mikel Arteta to make him their permanent coach.

Arteta is expected to confirmed Arsenal contract deal during the transfer market.

‘Mikel Arteta is close to being appointed as the new Arsenal manager after successful talks with the Gunners hierarchy, and could be in the dugout for the Premier League clash against Everton.’

“Mikel was honest with me,” Guardiola said.

“Arsenal – we were there two days ago. They were talking with our sporting director, the CEO and didn’t say anything.

“I don’t know if the meeting was at one at night because they didn’t want to make it public, but in the end it was public.

“I think Arsenal want to do the best thing possible. Sometimes it’s not easy to handle this kind of situation. We cannot deny that all the clubs around the world make behind the scenes the first contact to try to avoid the clubs that are in charge.

“All I can say from what I’m concerned is that Mikel was clear with me and that’s all. Perhaps there is a problem with the chairmen and the CEOs – they have to talk to each other.”

Mikel Arteta sets to Confirmed as Arsenal Permanent Manager, after successful talks with the Gunners hierarchy, and Pep.


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