Ladan Bosso supports NFF on fresh conditions for Rohr

President of Nigeria Coaches Association (NCA) Ladan Bosso has thrown his weight behind the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) on fresh conditions inserted in the new contract being proposed to Super Eagles coach Gernot Rohr.

Bosso said the conditions were not new to coaches and insisted that paying wages in the country’s local currency is never a crime or punishment as far as the coach domicile in the country of his job.

” Honestly I back the NFF on some of the conditions in the new contract for coach Gernot Rohr especially on the need to monitor players in the league,” the former Flying Eagles told NationSport.

“It means the NFF is now determined to improve our domestic league and restore the confidence of the local players. “

While commending the NFF, Bosso advised Rohr to peruse the new contract in order to arrive at a common ground with his employers:  “Rohr should know that in every contract there is room for improvement and negotiation, and I will advise he studies the new conditions before signing.

“ He is experienced in coaching and he knows what is good for him and his family. He has worked for four years in Nigeria and I think collecting his salary in local currency might turn out to be in his favour.

“If he has the interest of Nigerian Football and he wants to leave a legacy, he should not consider the additional conditions as an impediment in achieving success.”

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