You realise its worth when he's gone - Chelsea fans want former star back

Eva Carneiro was Chelsea’s first-team doctor from 2009 until 2015 when things went sour between herself and manager Jose Mourinho.



In 2015 Chelsea played Swansea and were looking for a winner in injury time when Eden Hazard went down with an injury.

Carneiro ran onto the pitch to treat Hazard, which incensed Mourinho, who did not want the game interrupted as the Blues were looking for a winner.

He said after the game: “I wasn’t happy with my medical staff because even if you are a medical doctor or secretary on the bench, you have to understand the game.”

Carneiro was subsequently banned from attending team practice or matches and was banished by the club. She left the job six weeks later and then took Chelsea to court on the ground of constructive dismissal. The case was settled confidentially.

Given Chelsea’s current injury crisis, fans believe the missing piece is Carneiro, for the club to reach it glory days again.

Jan: “If there’s one signing that’s going to help us bring back our glory days is Doctor Eva Carneiro. Bring her back. These long term/recurring injuries are killing our season.”

FrankKhalid: “It’s time Chelsea got Eva Carneiro back!!!

SocialBlues: “We need you Eva Carneiro.”

Alabi: “I speak for all Chelsea fans when I say the board should bring back Eva Carneiro.”

Carneiro is now a co-owner of non-league side Lewes FC and has her own clinic in London, specialising in sports medicine.

After the whole debacle with Chelsea, Carneiro admitted it took her a while to even be able to watch football: “If I’m honest, it took me almost a year to be able to watch a football game. The final of the 2016 Champions League was the only game that I could sit down in front of last year.”

She later helped out the organisers of the World Cup in Qatar by developing programs for the Aspetar Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Hospital in the country, where players were treated for injuries.


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