300k per-week superstar booed by Chelsea fans against Wolves

 Raheem Sterling has just been subbed off at Stamford Bridge. He got a healthy round of boos from the crowd

300k per-week superstar booed by Chelsea fans against Wolves

It wasn’t universal and it certainly wasn’t as big as the half time chorus of unhappiness, but it was notable.

His main crime today was missing an easy chance which would have made it 2-2. It was put on a plate for him but he couldn’t even hit the target. For a reported £300,000 a week salary, it’s just not good enough, and while he is being slightly scapegoated for a dreadful team performance, we can understand it.

Where does this leave Sterling? He’s on vast wages, he’s one of the most experienced players in the team and he does delivery goals and assists. But most fans want him out of the team despite that, because of a perceived lack of defensive effort, poor decision making plus misses like the one today.

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